Friday, March 09, 2007

Park Benches and Chocolate

It's been a strange day. Dear me I swore I wouldn't let this become another I woke and brushed my teeth this morning blogs. But. It's been one of those days. It's 6pm and I'm on the squishy couch in the study, as I have been most of the day. Except when i was coming back from little errands and sat on the bench on the road divider to read my book and eat a cookie, cos it was such a beautiful bright sunny day. Also cold and windy. And then I read one Jennifer Crusie and am on my second. And it's about a chubby girl called Min (short for Minerva). It's full of food and loving food, and discovering a teeny italian restaurant and having the one thing on the menu you always eat. Seeing how this evening is not going to be the way I really want it to be, albeit a fun evening, I have been driven to the evils of chocolate. Real hot chocolate. Made with cooking chocolate melted into boiling water. And stirred till it cools, followed by a tichy bit of milk, and then brought to a boil. Evil, Sinful, Dark Chocolate. *sigh*


  1. Tell me, you understanding language and all. Have things moved on so far from the days when I was at school? there were were taught that a sentence must contain a verb. Also (nearly said 'and' there, which would never do as the start of sentence) sentences should not start with the word 'but'.

    Enlighten me, oh modern youth.

  2. good lord. if i were blogging acadmic writing it wouldn't be half as entertaining. what's gotten you into a snit now?

  3. I've always been a pedant. I thought you knew that.

    Mind you the constant pain I'm in may make me a bit short. But. That's no excuse for being rude. And annoying people.

  4. awwwww.. there there. go and break some grammatical rules. it might make you feel better!

  5. tell you what, I'll post a picture of some chocolate for you over at my place - it's a diet food, you know.

  6. Oy, the crusie is really happening for you innit? I had a moment of great joy recently. A scene where Lorelai Gilmore is watching The Daily Show!

  7. Ello kitten
    U should be in sex and the city you know?

  8. thanks dave, i think i shld stick tp picture for now.

    nisha, yes. i own some 8 now. and keep borrowing from that bookhaven the nypl.

    mish, why??? no really, why??? i dont have mah gals, i dont have sex all the time, i dont have tons of money tospend on extravagant shoes and i dont even smoke anymore! plus im not some skinny hottie.

  9. Ah but you hvae the soul and the spirit and all the right ideas.

    The rest is just trimming!
